Friday, October 30, 2009

Coupon Deals and Steals

It is about 2:15 am right now and I cannot sleep! So...I went to Wal-Mart! I realized that some of my "steals" may be ending tomorrow so I grabbed my coupons and away I went.

Now, it is a little harder for me to find "excellent" deals here in Florida. None of the stores in my area double coupons, ever. As far as I can tell from searching the net the whole state of Florida seems pretty much this way; I really don't know why but hope to find an answer. When I lived in Michigan there were often sales for Buy One Get Two Free or Buy Two Get Three Free! Here the best I can do is Buy One Get One.

That being said, I realize that in other states the deals that I will post may not be the "best" you can do, but it's pretty much the "best" I can do!

So here is the breakdown:
2 Suave deodorants @ .97 - 2 coupons @ .50/1 = .47 per deodorant
2 Suave Men deodorant @ .97 - 2 coupons @ .75/1 = .22 per deodorant
1 Progresso High Fiber Soup @ 1.50 - 1 coupon @ 1.00/1 = .50 can
1 Midol @ 4.96 - 1 coupon @ 2.00/1 = 2.96 box

I am giving the deodorants to my outreach group at church; we are feeding the homeless and giving them personal hygiene bags the first weekend in December.
I would highly recommend that when you find excellent deals that you pick them up even if it is not your brand of choice; there are so many organizations that could make use of them and at .22 cents a piece you will never feel it in your pocket!

The Midol was probably not the best deal I can get, but I needed it. If I need something that I haven't stocked up on and it isn't on sale, I always check for coupons on the manufacturer's website; 2.00 off is pretty decent!

Now, where did I find the coupons? As I mentioned the Midol one I got from their website, the Suave coupons were in the Red Plum inserts for 10/25, and the Progresso one I printed off of an online ad.

I subscribe to and newsletters. I also check out as they have some really high coupons on their site. Their are alot of different places on the internet to get free printable coupons and tons of blogs dedicated to couponing and all the intrigue involved (seriously there are some super sneaky tricks to learn).

Bottom line is that every family has different ideals for their budgets. Sherrie's family has a different level of need vs. effort than mine does. She can really only shop one store, maybe two on occasion, per week due to her schedule and family size. My family only has one vehicle and one child so depending on the work schedule for my husband I may only get to shop after nine in the evening or I may have the car for the whole day and shop three or four stores.

Also it varies from week to week how "good" the deals are. If they seem really good to me I will make a bigger effort to get out and stock up.

Couponing can be fun or tedious depending on your mindset and level of devotion to saving money; to me it is a great little game to play and I currently have the time to play it! Come play with me! :)

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