Friday, October 30, 2009

So here is the roast chicken I made for dinner that night. My husband actually came home kind of late so it wasn't quite as juicy as I wanted but the meat still fell right off the bone.

1 comment:

  1. I love roasted chicken! If avocados are on sale I pick up one of these for California Chicken Salad (baby likes this too!) to use with the leftovers. Then there's chicken tortilla roll-ups for everyone's lunch, chicken burritos for another dinner, chicken noodle soup and I use the carcass to re-stock on homemade chicken stock!

    California Chicken Salad
    cup of cooked chicken, shredded
    1/2-1 avocado
    1-3 T. mild shredded cheddar cheese
    enough plain yogurt or mayo to bring everything together
    salt and pepper
    dash of lemon or lime juice

    Mix together until combined. Serve with lettuce or bread or tortillas.
    modified from First Meals, A. Karmel, 1999.
