Monday, December 28, 2009

Back to Business

Hello again! I haven't written anything new for a while for several reasons. One is that it was easy to be lazy because I am aware that right now no one is really following the blog. But I am wanting that to change so I need to get disciplined about my posting!

The second reason is that I am trying to find someone to teach me how to make the website links appear more professional. Right now I only know how to put the whole address down and then you would have to type it in or cut and paste to your toolbar. What I want to do is figure out how to say go "here" to access such and such information and you would click on "here" and be instantly linked.

I have somewhat limited computer knowledge because of homeschooling (one of the ONLY downfalls of homeschooling). I am very bright and can learn this stuff, it's just finding a teacher/friend that has time to help me on this.
Anyway, my idea is to make this blog easier to use for my friends and family that want to follow my savings adventures.

In January, our Women's group at church has booked a local couponing expert and we are sooo excited to learn more tips and tricks to save money and increase our cupboards!

One of my endeavors will be to post every Monday about the savings I have found at CVS and Walgreen's. I will also post other ideas for savings that I have heard about but I know from experience that some of the deals that are posted on sites don't always work the way they are supposed to. So I will tell you the deals that I actually GOT and WORKED for me!

I am excited to make 2010 the best year of savings yet!


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